Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I enjoy picking apart TV ads. A current ad by the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufactures of America / Families (PRMAF) depicts a middle aged couple discussing national health care. It's basically an ad that promotes a government run single payer health care plan. I have my opinions about such a plan but I will not discuss it here since this is about the ad. So lets look at the ad and ask what does PRMAF gain from such an ad. Well, PRMAF represents a group of pharmaceuticals that benefit from Medicare, Part D. They are tapping into a huge group of people that they can sell their drugs to via the US Government which picks up much of the tab. If a single payer national health care plan is created, then the it becomes clear PRMAF will have another government agency to sell even more drugs to. This all boils down to one thing, profits (money money money & more money). Is it bad for a private company to increase profits, sell more products, after it would have the affect of putting more people to work. This all gets down this, what do ads really say to you? Do you just blindly accept what that say or do you look for the underlying theme of the ad? Add your two cents here if you wish.

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