Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ever wonder what it might be like if there was a third party? Today we have Democrats and Republicans and the two can always find something to disagree on and almost never something to agree on. Voters are hardcore for one side or the other. You can see the conflict in all its glory at the town hall meetings over health care. Even the President has stepped into the fight with "We'll fight back even harder" or something like that. So much for the President being presidential and staying above the fray, I guess he is falling back on the old Chicago way of doing things. What did I just here "How dare I attack the president"? Of course I did, as I just said, people are hardcore loyal to one party. Just imagine if there were just five senators that did not belong to either party, but to a party of their own. Five senators that stood in the middle ground. Imagine how that would change politics as we know it today. Neither the Democrats or Republicans could pass a bill without the middle of the road five senators. No matter what party the president belongs to, it would always come down to those five senators saying ya or nay. Would it change voters attitude, maybe. Would bills that had buried in it money for a bridge to nowhere, most likely it would not have it. Wishful thinking all this.

We have all seen the polls about congress, the public has very low opinion of congress. We don't trust congress, we think they do a poor job and we say throw the bums out, but we don't. Every wonder why? It's simple really. Take Joe who lives in Ohio. According to Joe his senators are really good. According to Joe it's those stupid senators in Illinois, and those in Pennsylvania, and those in Kentucky, and all the rest of them are those that are dragging down the senate, and Joe votes for his two senators every time. But then Bill in Kentucky thinks his two senators are really good and he votes for them every time, it's those stupid senators in Ohio that are messing up things. So Bill in Kentucky, Joe in Ohio, Sally in Texas, Mike in Nevada, Joan in Idaho and so on all think the same way, our senators are really good, it's those stupid senators from the other states that are bad. So Joe, Bill, Sally, Mike, Joan and the others from the other states keep voting for their senators each time they come up for re-election. Exceptions do occur, but not enough to break the cycle. So when you go to the polls to vote for your senator remember your senator is the good one, it's all the rest that are bad and you'll feel really good about yourself.

One last thought. Pork Barrel is a just form of vote buying and it you accept the pork then are you are any better than a prostitute?

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