I grew up in Washington, D.C. I grew up with the Federal Government and I've seen what the government can do. There is an old saying in Washington, "What is passed by Congress to be temporary becomes permanet. What is past as permanet becomes a monument." The last means that any bill wich finds it way into law never goes away. Like the Jefferson Memoral or the Washingto Monument, which always requires every increasing funds to maintain either, a national health care once passed into law it will also have to be maintained with every increasing funds.
At the moment medicare as of last year is broke, meaning it now exist on one of the largest ponzi schemes in history which makes what Maddoff did look like a drop in the bucket. The out lay for medicare now exceeds 1 trillion dollars a year, it depends on those working to pay for those retired, that's a ponzi scheme. I can't imagin what will be the cost within the next two years when the babyboomers start hitting medicare. When those working can no longer support medicare, one of two things will have to be done, raise taxes or cut back on services. What will cutting back on services gain, that I do not know. Obama says approximately half of the cost for a government run single payer national health care program can be paid by cutting of waste from medicare. Maybe it can, but then somewhere down the road medicare will still need additonal funding other than what it gets from those working.
One important point to consider about a government run health plan, it's start up cost, it's been indicated it will require 2 trilloion dollars in startup funding. Where will that come from? We now have a national dept of 1 trillion dollars, where will the additional 2 trillion come from and where will the 1 trillion to cover the first 10 years according Obama come from? We are talking about a lot money that no one has really stated where it will all come from and most likely we will never really know.
Here's the real point here. Once a law is past, that's it. It never goes away. Any required funding never goes away. And when a program needs additional funding, it will get it. Congress is very good at hiding additional funds for any program as an admendment to any spending bill. You already see how this works with the pork barrel spending - oh did you know there will be pork in the national health care bill in it's final form. The pork projects has already been debated on the different national news shows. And if additional taxes is placed on us down the road to keep a national health care going, believe me when I say we will pay it and we may not even know it when we do. You may find a minor change in the income tax laws, maybe a slight drop in a particular deduction. Taxes can buried in anything.
Politicians are very good schemers. It they say you are getting a tax cut, they'll tell you where, but you will never be told what other tax is being rasied to the cover the tax that is being cut. A good example of this comes out of Mississippi. Car tags were extremely high, it finally got to the point the people started complaining. The politicians in the state capitol, Jackson, got together and came up with the perfect solution, cut the taxes on car tags by half and they did and the people were really happy. Well some were disappointed a little later when they bought a new car, that's when they found out the state sales tax of 7% was no longer true when came to new cars. For new cars it was now 9%. As you can see you really don't get a tax cut, what you do get is a trade off of taxes, drop one, raise another. Keep all this in mind, once the law is passed for a national health care program, it will be with us as long as there is a USA. And it will be paid for not matter how much it will cost down the road. The politicians now in office are only concerned about holding office as long as they can, and if passing on a big mess for our grandchildren to handle, our politicians today could really care less for they know they won't be around when it all its the fan. And what makes it worse our grandkids will grow up thinking its just part of their world.
So to end this, lets make sure that any health care plan that is passed into law is something we really want and are willing to pay a lot for especially down the road. Nobody can predict the future. Just one last thing, has anybody been keeping track of the Cap-And-Trade aka the Envioremental Bill that congress past. It's estimated to cost each household $4,300 each year in added taxes. Take a good look at it and contact y0ur senator to express your concerns.
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