Politicians are a strange breed. Threaten one by running against him or her and see how fast every little dirty trick is pulled to make you look like one the worst people who walked the earth. Just a brief study of politicians from different eras will show you that today's politician, even though they are extremely cutthroat, they don't compare to those of a hundred years ago.
A politician will pull every dirty trick you can think of and more to stay in office. It's never really been what is good for you, but what is best for them that is until we as a whole start asking questions, then they listen. In my opinion politicians are really failed actors and actress', they have to have an audience to play to so that their ego's are boosted. The main goal is to die in office, in their minds that is the ultimate success and some do just that, die in office.
I never shake hands with any of them. That one time I did, I never thought I would get the dirt off my hands. They are always the first to step forward with news you want to hear, but they never tell you the bad news that they buried in a bill working its way through congress. The only dance they know is the Washington Side-Step.
But in the end we do need the little minded boogers, it just seems lately we haven't been doing to good in picking them. And some seem to just become family to us, even though we know they have passed their time to leave office, we just can't seem to vote against family. Maybe some may be put out of office because of the Cap-And-Trade they voted on or the Health Care they voted on, but I suspect it will just be a few.
There have a few politicians that went of to Washington with all intentions of doing good deeds. Once there they soon found that the good old boy system was much stronger than their good intentions and some decided one term was enough for themselves. One new senator dared expose the backdoor dealings, making them public. Needless to say his party dropped him and he was a one term senator. You cannot get re-elected if the party doesn't contribute to your campaign.
Speaking of party funding, the voters finally had enough of the large private donations to re-election campaigns, they wanted a change and Washington felt their pain and past news laws saying private donations could not exceed $2k. The voters were satisfied and Washington was satisfied for there was nothing in the law that stopped someone from kicking in $200k to the party with a note attached stating that the party had to use to help a politician's campaign but as a third party. In other words, it's nothing stopping a individual or organization from airing campaign ads on their own. Them little boogers are really slippery aren't they?
Well enough of this rambling, this must read like a new bill coming out of congress, the type nobody can understand. I'll just end it here by saying, the US still has the best way of doing things and this includes our politicians, at least we can elect them, no so for some countries. My American flag will always fly at my home. Y'all have a good one.
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