There are so many additions to a planned national health care bill that it is starting to get out of hand. I believe now that congress will take all the additions and will put them in a blender, give it a good stir and pour out some in a glass. What's in the glass is what we will get and once past, for decades to come, congress will spend it's time tinkering with it, a change here, a change there, a little more of this, a little less of that, and after the decades have past the health care we started out with will long be gone. No wonder people are mad at the town hall meetings. They are scared of what we might get stuck with. People will accept change, but only if their shown what the change will be, but with congress always changing what a health care plan will look like, people will not support. The latest polls show that, 53% against national health care, 43% for it. And when you have one representative state on national TV he gives a damn about what his voters think, he is going to do what he thinks is best, that makes people really mad. Congress needs to step back from national health care, let the dust settle and then take it back up, but it needs to have input from the Dems & Reps. Then maybe they can achieve a health system that will work, that won't be rationed, that is reasonable in price and one that lowers cost without hurting the people or the health care system whatever that may end up being.
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