Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Senator Max Baucus (D), Mont. has put forth a health care plan. His proposed government run national health care plan includes fines for anyone failing to buy health insurance, up to $3,800. His plan also calls for 60-year-olds paying 5 times as much for a policy as 20-year olds.
Granted the older one gets the more medical attention is needed, but if one's health insurance is balanced, the 60-year-old would be paying the same as the 20-year-old. To charge more for a policy as one grows older is nothing more than penalizing one for just growing old.
Look at it from this point of view, as a 20-year-old you purchase a health policy, you pay on it for years without every having the need to use it. Then the time comes you find that you have a health problem that will be expensive, but then again you did paid years for a health policy that you never used and now decades later you are calling in your health policy to cover you current medical problem. Here's a different way to look at it, for decades you invested in a health care policy, no different than putting money in a savings account. Then the time comes when you want draw out some of the dividends to cover a medical problem.
Higher education does not always translate into higher intellect, this as evidenced by the majority of our nationally elected leaders.
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