Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Our political world consists of Dems and Reps. Dems always vote for Dems and Reps always vote for Reps. It's the Independent voters that swing an election. It was the Independents that swung the last two presidential elections. That is all good and fine, but the independents are missing something greater than just swinging a vote. I suggest that independent voters vote for an independent. If the independent voters could elect 5 US senators just think how much power those 5 senators would have. Just think of 5 individuals not tied either party who looked at proposed legislation from a practical view point, what would proposed bills look like. Maybe they would be void of the pork that turns many us into prostitutes, that's what you call someone when they give favors for money or pork is it not. Just think of health care now loaded with over 500 amendments to the Baucus bill. How many of those amendments would have to be dropped if 5 independent senators refused to vote on the bill. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see new legislation being passed that didn't promote a politician's career but instead promoted what was good for the country.
How many of you hardcore Dems and Reps would switch their vote to someone that wants nothing more than what is good for the country? Can you bring yourself to the point that maybe being a diehard party voter is not the best thing to be for the good of the country? Can you open your mind enough to see that maybe something better may be out there than just towing the party line? Remember one fact, our politicians are arrogant and we made them that way. Voting for the same politician time after time only breeds arrogance into them for they know that their diehard followers will never vote for anyone from the other party. That would mean being a traitor to the party, forget about the damage being done to the country. The party comes first and screw the country if that what it takes.
Hit your keyboards, but before you fly off the handle think about loyalty to party and loyalty to the country, be an independent thinker. Being a hardcore party follower is the same as belonging to a religious cult is it not?

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