Many of you have seen the latest ACORN videos hitting uTube. The videos were taken undercover and show how ACORN reps are helping people defraud the government. This is not the first time that ACORN has manipulated the government or the polling booths. ACORN, when caught just fires the one or two individuals involved which is good enough for the government. Congress doesn't want to step in with an investigation since they gave ACORN millions of dollars.
Simply put ACORN is a good representation of how the government cannot and will not stop fraud and fraud will stay rampant in medicare. There will be not money coming from medicare to fund a national health care plan, in the end a national health care plan will be funded by more taxes. And when you couple this with the environment bill (cap and trade) that passed the house which will cost the average family $4,300 per year out their pockets, you will have the average income family falling to the poverty level.
When congress acts we pay. Congress says they didn't raise taxes, but what they do is to cause penalties paid by big companies which to passed down to us as higher prices and then congress points the finger at the big business for raising prices. Lets do away with the term taxes and replace it OPE. OPE being out Out of Pocket Expense. So the next time you write your senator or representative about a pending bill that may affect OPE ask them what the effect of the bill be on our OPE.
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