Friday, July 31, 2009


We all have our opinion about a national health care plan and so does AARP. The wife and I don't agree with AARP's opinion and their lobbying efforts to stress their opinion on congress and as a member of AARP since 2002 we decided that since our opinions differ greatly, the time had come to cancel our AARP membership. My wife took on the task of cancelling the membership. When talking to AARP on the phone she was told that there would be no refund coming for the remaining 15 months left on our membership. There is no use in talking with AARP further, they have a policy of not refunding membership dues for any reason. So the only recourse was to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commision and to get a letter off to our senator and see if that prompts AARP in this single case to send a refund, we'll see.

If you haven't noticed the news lately, AARP membership is dropping off due to cancellations for the same reason we cancelled. AARP has gone from a representative of the retired people to a provider of medicare supplemental insurance for retired people. Now AARP sees an opportunity to become a government national health care supplemental insurance provider to a much larger market than the retired community and is willing to throw seniors under the bus to get there. A case where money is mightier than the sword (seniors).

Thursday, July 30, 2009


A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted over the weekend found that more people think President Obama's health care proposal is a bad idea than a good one.
According to the poll, 42 percent of respondents said it's a bad idea while 36 percent said it's a good idea. The split is 47 percent to 37 percent against the plan among those with private insurance.

The above was taken from the Fox News website. Since the mid 1960's, the government bill for medicare now stands at 44 Trillion Dollars. Those who are working now are now paying for the care of those in medicare, sounds like Madoff doesn't it. The Medicare ballon is ready to burst, what then? Ration medicare, raise the deductable? The government cannot maintain medicare what makes anyone think the government can manage a health care plan for the masses without it going bust. The baby boomers haven't hit medicare yet, that's about 2 years away.

National health care can be solved without a government single player plan. Those on Capital hill would do better to look at other means other than a government run plan, we all know how poorly the government runs anything.

BOX 13

Not many people know that Alan Ladd had his own radio show called "Box 13". In it he stars as an investigator. The show was a thirty minute program of which we have 49 episodes. I just replaced my broken MP3 player with a new Sony MP3 and loaded it with 8 episodes the show. In the morning I enjoy taking a brisk walk, jogging now out to knee problems, and enjoy listening to one of the old radio shows. You can listen to some much music, or take just so much radio talk shows, the old radio shows are enjoyable alternative. Ebooks are fine, but if the person reading the book is not that good then you are stuck with it. With the old radio programs, you can listen to Hollywood's great performers in anything from comedy to sci-fi. The majority of my customers are in the 35-45 age group. Some email me telling me that they have 30+ minute drive to work and listening to an old radio show helps take away from the traffic jams. If you haven't tried listening to an old radio show, then you should give it a try. A good starting point is of course our website at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


In talks with China yesterday, the China reps expressed their concers with our out-of-control spending. It's a concern with them since we borrowed so much money from them. My question, if China calls in their loans, what part of the US will we have to give them?


In the beginning AARP was formed to represent the retired people of the US and their interest. Now it's nothing more than an insurance company feeding off medcare and this is the driving reason it supports Obama's version of national health care. AARP sees huge profits in providing additional insurance for what a national health care plan will not cover. The majority of retired people are opposed to a national health care plan, but AARP does not care what they think any more, it's now what is best for AARP's profit margin. I've cancelled my membership with AARP and I'm sticking with NARFE they don't sell insurance.


Seems we have a new health care plan brewing in a Senate Committee that strips the Single Payer Plan from consideration, now that is the first good move somebody had on Capital Hill. Maybe we have some cooler heads in Washington.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I'm still waiting on my senators and representative to answer my question, "What is there about the proposed national health care plan floating around in the US House that is so bad it has caused our elected officials to set up their own private plan so as not to be part of any national health care plan?" What is good for us is not good for them, something smells bad here.


My neighbor and friend across the street may just acquired a new dog. The dog is a female german shepard and friendly with everyone. How my neighbor acquired the dog is sort of spookie. Joe, my neighbor just lost a cat three days past. The cat was killed by a stray boxer dog. Yesterday, around noon, the shepard showed up at their door. Joe and his wife tried to chase it away fearing another dog attack. But the shepard refused to leave. Joe had to leave for an hour or so, leaving his wife sitting on the front steps of their home. The shepard slowly approached Joe's wife and to her surprise the shepard put it's head on her lap. Well, that was it, out came the food dish and the water dish and the shepard spent the night sleeping on the front yard. Joe says he will call the animal control folks today to pick up the dog. Wonder what the wife will say about that. But it's spookie about the dog. Joe looses a cat to a boxer dog and the shepard shows up out of nowhere, wonder if the shepard senses Joe's family loss and wants to take the cat's place. We'll see.

Monday, July 27, 2009


On another blog one individual stated Humphrey Bogart was note that a good of an actor, not near the actors of today. I take exception with that statement. I'll give just one reason why I take exception it's "The African Queen". Here was a movie that became a classic, starring Bogart and Katharine Hepburn. From the beginning of the movie to almost the end, these two stars carried the whole movie, there were no other players. How many of today's Hollywood stars can carry a whole movie solely on their acting talents with no other stars in the movie and no Hollywood graphics, and how many of them would want to try?

Sunday, July 26, 2009


The national health care as it sits in congress is not acceptable. As many AMA members state, we currently have the best health care system in the world and dispite what Obama says "It's a broken system." It's not broken, it's just cost to much for many individuals and ways can be found to make it affordable again. It does not require a government single payer plan that will cost the country way more than the trillion dallors that Obama says it will. Haven't we learned our lesson, any new government plan always comes with a cost esitimate that is extremely low. If we bite on a single payer plan, the cost will become so high in just a few years, the government will have no choice but start rationing health care, the same as they do in Canada and the UK. What we need is to look at alternatives to national health care to get the current costs down. We are spending money at a rate never before seen in our history and it's all borrowed money. What part of the US do we give China when they decide to call in our loans to them? I hope it's not my part of the country.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Congress has a very low opinion rating according to polls. Even at the end of Bush’s term he had a higher opinion rating than Congress. At one point Congress’ polls number fell into the single digit area. But yet we continue to elect the same politicians to office, why? The only reason I can come up with is that politicians from states other than our own are the problem. Our politicians are doing a good job. It’s the other states elected officials that are causing the problems. After all don’t our politicians bring home the pork for us, sure it’s just a form of vote buying, but who cares that we get a bridge to nowhere, it is our tax dollars isn’t it? Ok so it’s tax dollars from some folks from a few other states, but I’m sure they don’t mind helping us out. Who knows maybe years down the road the bridge to nowhere might go somewhere.


Looks like National Health Care is running into opposition. Not surprising when one considers the fast track it’s on. Some think things are moving to quickly for such an important bill. Others think it’s just too expensive. Some without health care do not like the government stating they have no choice they have to sign up or else. The majority of working people have some form of health care and the majority that do are against a national health care system. From those leaking out details indicate national health care will kill the private sector leaving the national plan as the only plan. And some resent the fact that congress has already opted themselves out of any national plan. I guess they know they are about to pass a bill that bears nothing but ill wind for the masses and they better opt out of it in lieu of a congress only plan. A case of what is good for the politician and let the little people can just eat cake.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sought to assure Wall Street and Congress Tuesday that the Fed will be able to reel in its extraordinary economic stimulus and prevent a flare up of inflation when the recovery is more firmly rooted.

Hope we can!

Kentucky's Worst Politician For Raising Taxes

Vote against this man who voted for the largest tax increase in Kentucky's history. With unemployment hitting better than 10% for Kentucky, he thought it better for himself to vote on higher taxes than worry with what the people of Kentucky need - LESS TAXES.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Old Radio Shows is a hobby for me. I sold my first copy of an old radio show (War Of The Worlds) over the internet before there were web browsers, when there was just the "C:/" prompt and everything was text only on a black and white screen, even before there were "Bulletin Boards".

It's never been a money making business, what I do make from the website goes to cover expenses, website fees, blank CDs, mailing boxes, postage, etc. It's just a fun thing to be doing. Since the current websites have been running I've had the pleasure to talk with or email with some of the decendents of past performers. The most notable being Robert Mitchum's son. I've supplied to Good Morning America with material, the NY State Museum, WRC, even to a radio station in Australia when they found themselves in sort of a bind for a town hall show they were going to put on. A few of the emails I've recieved were those that really tugged at the heart strings.

Getting back to the subject, on the websites you can find find my telephone number that you can call me on if you need help of any kind. You can also email me. If you are not sure about anything it's better to email me or call me. I go by the old moto, "The Customer Is Always Right".

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I was thinking of starting a new website and non-profit organization. The organization would be dedicated to the study of that gene that affects our politicians in Washington. I believe the politicians suffer from a defective gene that causes them to know not what they do. You have to admit they do come up with some really off-the-wall things and they are of the opinion that we do not have the mental ability to handle our own money.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this, should a website be started and if so, what to call the non-profit organization.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Just a thought - lets keep track how much money the US Government is loosing in this stimulus thing. The GAO already admits to 20 or so Billion has just vanished. What I’m thinking is this, add up all the coins that Government says they have no idea where they are at, count that as a lose, divided it by the number of tax payers, then each tax payer write in on their 2010 tax returns as a lose. After all it is our US taxpayers money the government did loose.